
2024 Lucy Mary Kellogg Award is Roger Moffat, Caledonia, MI, member of Western Michigan Genealogical Society.

Roger Moffat
Roger Moffat

The Michigan Genealogical Council is honored to present the 2024 Lucy Mary Kellogg Award to Roger Moffat, Caledonia, MI, member of Western Michigan Genealogical Society.

Each year the Michigan Genealogical Council asks our member societies to submit the names of their most active and influential members, who have dedicated their lives to genealogical research and contributed to their communities through their leadership and service in the field. We honor one of these nominees each year with a ceremony, award certificate, and $100 in their name to the Archives of Michigan, the Library of Michigan, and the genealogical or historical organization (or library) of their choice.

The judges were impressed with Roger’s experiences and impressive background. Roger is a member of the Western Michigan Genealogical Society where he has served as Data Master Data Master—posting and maintaining the society’s many data collections and indexes as part of their website which has been recognized by Family Tree Magazine as one of the best State websites regularly since 2011, including being back on this year.

Roger has been the Data Master and the Membership Coordinator for more than twenty years, teaches DNA classes and helping establish WMGS’s DNA interest group in 2015, organizing the “Got Ancestors” annual seminar for years, and serving on the Local Host Committee for the 2018 National Genealogical Society Conference in Grand Rapids. He remains the Projects Chairperson for the Michigan Genealogical Council, which includes hosting the Michigan Pioneer Certificate index, and is an active volunteer in MGC events. He is a board member for the Family History Information Standards Organization.

The Lucy Mary Kellogg award was established in 1992 by the Michigan Genealogical Council to honor Lucy Mary Kellogg as the founding member and an eminent Michigan genealogist. Her accomplishments on the state and national levels were recognized in 1991 as the first woman and the first from the Midwest area to be named into the National Genealogy Hall of Fame.
We salute Roger Moffat our Michigan Genealogical Council 2024 Lucy Mary Kellogg Award recipient!

Michigan Genealogical Council - Serving Our Societies

Membership in the Michigan Genealogical Council (MGC) is open to any organization or repository with a primary interest in family history and genealogy.

We do not offer memberships to individuals.

Delegate meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Please check the Events page for the exact date, time, and location.

Speaker & Program List, Member Society List, and Broken Links

To request a copy of the September 2023 MGC Speaker and Program list, please send an email to web@mimgc.org. Please include your name, the name of your member society, and if not a delegate your role in your organization. 

The Michigan Societies List has been rebuilt and is functioning along with the society brochures. If you have an update for your society brochure, or do not have one publicly available yet, please send it as a PDF file to web@mimgc.org.

Many links that appear in search engines have been renamed to more clearly reflect the purpose of that page.

The MGC Newsletter is published four times per year, January, April, July, and October. The issue copy deadline is the 15th of the month before the publication date. Please submit directly to our editor. newsletter@mimgc.org. (MS Word or plain text preferred)

The Winter 2025 Michigan Genealogical Council Newsletter is now available to download, read, or print.

Black history in the United States has been rife with racism, violence, and hate. It is time to change that history. The Michigan Genealogical Council (MGC) stands in solidarity with the Black community and opposes inequality and injustice. Now more than ever, we must support one another and speak up, MGC vows to be silent no more.

Zoom for Society Meetings

Dan Earl explains how to host a Zoom meeting and the benefits to societies in using Zoom for virtual meetings. This was the program at our September 10, 2020 “out-of-Lansing” meeting. 

The purpose of this tutorial is to provide step bu step guidance to societies that wish to offer virtual meetings and programming for their members.

For the best experience please view in full screen.

Pioneer Certificate Program

The Michigan Genealogical Council sponsors a Pioneer Certificate Program.

For additional information and an application, visit the Pioneer Certificate menu item and check the video below.

There are two ways you can qualify for this certificate and pin.

  1. Pre-Statehood: Direct descendant of an early settler who settled in Michigan prior to Michigan’s statehood (before January 26, 1837)
  2. First Families: Direct descendant of an early settler in a community, settlement, or county of Michigan (January 26, 1837-December 31, 1880)