Delegate Information
The Michigan Genealogical Council (MGC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes; to coordinate, stimulate, promote genealogical activities; encourage and/or facilitate preservation of genealogical records, and provide information to members and the public.
Each member society shall be represented by two delegates and two alternates who shall act as official liaisons between the member society and the MGC. An alternate delegate may represent a member society at MGC meetings and vote in the absence of a delegate.
Delegates are expected to attend MGC meetings held on the second Thursday of September, November, January, March, May, and July. Current meetings are usually held at the Michigan Library and Historical Center in Lansing, or at an alternative site to be determined by the MGC Board of Directors.
NOTE: Council has begun holding at least one MGC Delegate meeting in an alternative site, away from Lansing, to facilitate attendance by delegates from Member Societies located many miles distant from Lansing. Several sites have been successfully used.
Current hours for the Library of Michigan are M-F, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, and for the Archives of Michigan are M-F, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Saturday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Parking is available in the visitor area for a fee of $1 per hour, Saturday parking is free.
New delegates are usually requested to introduce him/herself at the first MGC Delegate meeting attended.
MGC lapel pins with the MGC logo imprinted on the pin are available for purchase for the modest cost of $3/pin. These can be purchased from the MGC Membership Committee Chairperson.
The July MGC meeting is considered the first meeting for the new fiscal year.
Expectations for Delegates:
Sign in with your name, Member Society name, and role, i.e., a delegate or alternate, before the beginning of the Council meeting.
Member comments and/or announcements are welcome during Council meetings. When speaking during a Council meeting, delegates are expected to use a microphone, whenever available, so all attendees will be able to hear comments made.
All delegates are expected to actively participate in a minimum of one MGC committee during the year.
All delegates are eligible to become a candidate for elected office or chairperson of one standing/or special committee during a fiscal year.
Report Council activities to local Member Society on a regular basis.
Delegates shall keep copies of Council meeting agendas and minutes and pass them on to successors.
Each delegate will receive a username (ID) and password for use on the MGC website, from the Council Webmaster. This will enable access to MGC Delegate meeting agendas, minutes, treasurer reports, schedules, MGC Newsletter, Member Society and Delegate Directory, MGC Board Directory, Annual Report, Bylaws, Policy and Procedure Manual, and Historical Documents such as 2004 MGC Program Planners Guide.
Report changes that occur in Society information by filling out the MGC Member Society/Delegate Directory Change of Information Form and mailing to the MGC Corresponding Secretary.